
78/155 หมู่ 8 ถ.ติวานนท์ ต.บางพูด อ.ปากเกร็ด จ.นนทบุรี 11120

โทร. 081-174-2009


ธนาคารไทยพาณิชย์ สาขาแจ้งวัฒนะ


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movement to provide educational opportunities to
underpriviledge students over Thailand..

About Us (English Version)


The main mission of "My School Project" is to Give Better Education Opportunity to Children in remote areas in Thailand.



Most schools  were no walls or any kind of wind-shelter. Teachers sometimes use vetive grass and rotten zince sheet as materials to build a school. The school floor was not covered. it's just plain earth.

There is neither chair nor desk. Scrap of wood were mostly  used to make desks and chairs. Each school has one or two black boards to serve all students. Existing school supplies have turned into crispy yellow. the school is lack of all kinds of teaching and learning tools for both teachers and students. The children eat one meal, two the most, per day.

The meal consisted only of one handful of rice, which they dipped into a dish of fish-sauce or vegetable soup. They had only one set of clothing that they wore from day to night ... everyday The dilapidated schools usually have 1 or 2 teachers to care for a large group of kids from kindergarten to grade 6. Many students come with juniors on their backs since school is the only place where meal is served. 

We call it " The My School Project "  It runs consecutively ever since.  After Broadcast the My School stories for years, the team decided to implement a more concrete activity to raise funds to construct new good condition school building for children in remote areas . The corporate social responsibility had been initiated in 1994.